removing mold

How to Prevent Mold Infestation in Your House?

Molds are fungi that are characterized by their black, green, white, or purple color. They thrive and grow mostly in areas where moisture is present. The spores that are carried away by the wind allow them to reproduce easily. And when they find an ideal place to live, they start to multiply.

Molds cause stains and bad odor, resulting in structural damage to your house. If not taken care of immediately, they can cause various health problems such as cold, respiratory problems, allergy, sore throat, watery eyes, and skin irritation.

Do you suspect that molds are growing in your house? Here’s what you can do to prevent them:

1. Fix gutter problems

Your house needs a proper drainage system to channel the rainwater away from your home to prevent leaking and corrosion. Over time, they get clogged due to leaves, twigs, and debris that are difficult to blow out.

You can clean it though using a trowel to remove the accumulated leaves and debris. The greater challenge is unclogging the downpipe. But you can use high-pressure nozzles to get rid of the clog and get the water flowing.

If your gutter is already sagging and showing some signs of damage, you may need to replace it. Since working on the roof can be dangerous and is an intensive process, because it includes assessing the potential damage to your exterior, you may need the help of a professional. Just look for the best seamless gutter installation constructor near you.

Fixing your leaking gutter can definitely prevent the growth of mold in your house.

2. Check the plumbing system

The plumbing system distributes water through multiple pipes. Just like your house gutter, they can also get clogged, causing leakage. Thus, inviting the growth of molds.

You can address this by identifying the area where the leak is coming from. It can be from the joint. You need to remove and replace that section with a new one. Unscrew the threaded galvanized steel pipe at one end by turning it, then tighten it on the other end. Using copper wire, sweat-solder the new section in place.

Since the plumbing repair can be daunting, it’s best to leave it to a professional plumber. Once the plumbing system is repaired, remove any signs of molds from the infested area.

3. Ventilate your house

Ventilating the house is necessary to get rid of smoke, indoor pollutants, odors, and moisture that can invite bacteria and viruses. Install small exhaust fans on the wall or ceiling to get the extra moisture out of your bathroom and kitchen.

Don’t forget to leave the windows open too, it lets fresh air in and helps balance the moisture inside your house. Growing indoor plants is a great idea as well. They purify the air, removing carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

4. Use a humidifier

hvac unit

A humidifier is an electrical device that is used to add moisture in the air to prevent extreme dryness that can trigger irritation. This can be integrated into your HVAC system to regulate and balance the moisture level. Some benefits of a humidifier include:

  • Retains skin and hair moisture
  • Prevents some respiratory problems such as cold and cough
  • Prolongs the lifespan of the furniture
  • Prevents influenza

5. Vacuum with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)

The difference between a HEPA vacuum and a regular vacuum is that it is capable of filtering and trapping microscopic particles that include mold spore concentration. It can also be used to clean exhaust fans and other humid areas where molds are most likely to grow such as the bathroom and basement.

6. Use mold removal products

In terms of cleaning up and getting rid of visible mold, water-based and non-toxic cleaning products are the best choices, as they prevent the accumulation of volatile organic compounds at home. The said compounds increase your risk of developing health problems. Use organic products instead such as tea tree oil.

Just mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil and one cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake it vigorously, and spray directly on the mold-infested area. Wait until the next day before removing the mold with a rag dipped in vinegar.

Aside from tea tree oil, you may also use hydrogen peroxide. It works best on hard surfaces such as tiles and walls under the sink. Shake it well then apply on the affected area. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then clean it up with a rag.

Your health serves as a great indicator that molds exist in your house. If you suffer from sinus headaches, runny nose, and itchy skin for no reason, they could be signs that molds are hiding in some areas. Get rid of them right away before they do further damage.

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