old english home

Essential Things to Remember When Maintaining Old English Homes

In the UK, there are over three million people occupying homes built before 1919, allowing homeowners to enjoy unique and timeless structures. However, maintaining an old English home can be challenging as it calls for special tasks alongside the common ones associated with modern or standard houses.

But among the several maintenance requirements your hold home may need, here are the essential ones you always need to remember.

Check Electrical Wiring Regularly

A common issue with old English homes is its electrical wiring as most old houses back in the day used knob and tube wiring. You can easily find these wires since it’s usually strung between ceramic knobs attached to the home’s structural beams. Although it complements the ‘classic vibe’ in the house, it can be potentially unsafe since its system isn’t grounded.

To remedy this, you can have it replaced with new house wiring and electrical panels, but if you want to keep it, have professionals check it out regularly and conduct EICR tests to ensure safety.

Watch Out of ‘Asbestos’

Asbestos was used in several construction applications because of its insulation and fireproofing characteristics, but it can be hazardous to a person’s health. That’s why many countries have banned the use of it in construction. However, today, millions of homes in the UK may contain it, especially houses made before 2000. It can be present in old floor tiles, roof shingles, pipe cement, and joint compounds used to stick sheetrock together.

Although asbestos’s mere presence isn’t hazardous when the materials containing it starts to crumble, its fibres are released, and residents inhale it, they may be at risk for lung cancer and other repository issues. That’s why if you’re aware if your home has asbestos in it, make sure to repair and maintain the items with it regularly.

Regularly Paint the Home

Homes built decades ago potentially contain lead-based paint, causing several health issues and adults, while kids are more prone to lead poisoning. According to the Environment Agency, lead paint may still be present in millions of homes in the UK. Although it’s not a general health problem when it’s encased, when you see any peeling, chipping, or cracking in your home’s paint, make sure you cover it up with regular paint immediately.

Additionally, an old home’s walls may look outdated over time, so it’s best if you conduct regular paint touch-ups yourself or have professionals to tackle the job at once.

person painting walls

Limit Scope of Repairs

Whether it’s the historic trims around the doors and windows along your home’s roof line or cornice, these usually need to be replaced from time to time but ensure you only replace the parts that are damaged to preserve the home’s value and unique elegance. This also applies to other potential repairs in your house’s structure.

Mold and Mildew

Old English homes tend to develop more mould and mildew problems because their structures usually have more cracks and leaky pipes, perfect entryways for mould to grow. Although mould and mildew growth is natural, too much can exacerbate family members with existing respiratory issues like asthma or trigger allergies. To avoid this, have your home regularly checked for mould or mildew growth, have leaky pipes fixed, and cracks sealed.

The best way to retain your home’s timeless elegance is to maintain it properly, especially the aspects mentioned. If you regularly tend to your property’s needs, expect it to feel fresh, new, and be at its top condition for years to come.

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