empty room

Eight Ways to Use the Unused Room in Your House

Most people have a corner in their house that’s just used to store things. You know that room, the one where you dump stuff you don’t need or use often, or just use it to store things haphazardly. Some have an attic, some use the basement, some use an empty room. However, this is generally a misuse of space- there are tons of ways to utilize that corner in your house!

With many people having to stay at home more, repurposing that empty room is almost like a project waiting to happen. And why not? It’s a worthy DIY project, and even if you’re not into DIY, it still has undeniable value. A finished basement or a loft can potentially add to property value- something to keep in mind if you’re thinking of reselling your property down the line. But for now, we’re going to look at ideas for turning that unused room to something useful and fun.

Turn Your Basement into a Gaming Room

If you’re into video games, then at some point you’ve definitely fantasized about having a dedicated room for gaming. This is perhaps the best opportunity to gather up those cleaning materials, wear some rubber gloves, and get to cleaning! The benefit of having a basement gaming room is that you’ll be more immersed in playing your game. Less light and less noise mean you can focus on your game, and maybe finally beat that boss you’re having a hard time with.

Turn Your Attic into a Home Observatory

An unused attic is wasted space as there are tons of ways to make better use of it. It’s worth looking into getting it converted to a loft. This lets you have windows or skylights installed, and grants you that wide viewing angle needed for a home observatory. After this, all you really need is a telescope to enjoy the celestial bodies. Having a home observatory is a great way to teach kids about science, and if you’re scientifically-inclined as well this can be a great way to relax after a long day at work.

Have a Loft Library-Cafe

For bookworms, there’s nothing better than sitting in a cozy space, sipping a cup of coffee, and reading a good book. Well, if you have loft you can replicate the feeling of old, snug libraries or calm and comfy cafes. Clearing out your loft and repurposing it into a library is worth a weekend’s work and definitely be a great addition to your home.

Make a Dedicated Home Office

home office

Since most people are working at home with their dining-table-turned-office-desk, another great idea is to build a dedicated home office. This way, you can increase work productivity tenfold by reducing outside distractions and having a stimulating place to develop your work. This also helps in maintaining boundaries between work and life, something that’s increasing blurred in the current working situation.

Convert Your Basement into a Home Gym

The sporty types often have dumbbells, weight plates, and other training equipment stuffed inside their bedroom. While there’s nothing wrong with having your training equipment easily accessible, it pays to have a dedicated area to store them in. And if your space is large enough, you can make a training area where you can exercise or practice your moves

Build Minibar for Entertaining Friends

There’s nothing more satisfying than good conversation with friends, and what better place to do it than in your own minibar! You can turn either your loft or your basement to a minibar where you can spend merry time with your friends over a round of delicious beverages. Of course, inviting friends over would only be fully possible once this pandemic is over- but having a minibar would make the wait all the more worthwhile.

A Basement Home Theater for the Family

Spending time with your family watching movies is an all-time classic, who hasn’t watched pop culture films over Christmas with their family? It strengthens family ties and is a good bonding opportunity for everyone. Turning your basement into a home theater isn’t all too difficult either. A round of cleaning and putting in good stereo speakers and overhead projector should do the trick.

Put a Workshop in Your Basement

The garage isn’t really a good place to have your workshop in. You’re at risk of damaging your car, and you can’t just leave your projects without fear of it being safe in one piece. A better alternative is to devote your basement for all your projects. You’ll be able to prop up your tools on the wall for easy access without blocking your car or bicycles.

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