
How to Work on Your Company to Drive Your Success

Working in your company and working on your company — those are two different things. To work in your business means to be part of the day to day revenue-producing, product-fulfilling efforts of your company, such as attending meetings to address corporate matters, conducting electrical installation condition reports, allocating tasks to your employees, etc. To work on your business means doing the big picture actions such as designing, planning, refining your business.

When you’re just starting out, it can be really hard to step away a bit to focus on the bigger things. But if you want to grow your business, you have to focus on working on it, not just in it. It won’t be easy. Not only will you have to build your inbound sales pipeline, but you also have to put a lot of work into hiring hire the right people and managing their growth.

And unlike before, you’re not getting paid to work on your company and drive it forward. Instead, you’re investing in yourself. But there are ways to improve your business and foster success: hire the right people and be a good leader.

Hiring the right people

Do you need a salesperson? A graphic artist? A copywriter? Whatever you need, there’s a high probability that you can hire someone to do it. You just have to find the right one who fits your working style and the company environment you’re trying to build. And make sure you keep them happy and fulfilled with what they’re doing. People stay in a job mostly because of the corporate environment and not really because of the money, quite contrary to popular opinion.

Being a good leader

1. Focus on supporting your people

Once you hired the right person, you have to let them do the job you hired them for. But you also have to find a way to keep them motivated. Support them by letting them do their thing. If you hired the right person for the job, you’d feel a load off your shoulders. But if you find yourself still doing the things you hired this person to do, it’s either you have trust or micromanagement issues or you hired the wrong person for the job.

You should also have a sense of what’s going on in your team so you can keep track not only of their professional lives but also their personal lives. You don’t have to know all the details, but it would be nice to know if they need extra support or time.

Business team2. Listen

It will be more beneficial for your employees if you ask them what they need instead of assuming for yourself. Connect with your employees. Let everyone give their opinions first before you give yours during a meeting. You never know but you might learn something from listening to their points of view. Speaking of meetings, always participate as much as you can — go to brainstorms, department meetings, and social events!

3. Lead by example

Don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty every once in a while. No matter how small the task is — helping employees clean up after a meeting or helping interns carry things — when your employees see you’re willing to do small tasks, they will be inspired and follow suit.

You are your company — it all starts with you. Never think that you’re too big or too small for a task. Inspire your employees every day and it will take you and your company to greater heights.

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