Areas in Your Home Where You Can Conserve Water

Currently, the Australian population is at around 25.4 million. Water usage per region varies, but on average, an Australian consumes 340 litres of water every day. That means the population consumes 8.6 billion litres of water every day. This number doesn’t even include the amount of water used to generate power or for agricultural purposes.

While the country’s water supply seems endless, it isn’t. Only one percent of all the water sources on Earth is deemed safe to drink. And with the ever-growing population, if we don’t start conserving water, the next few generations might not have enough water supply.

Fortunately, it’s easy to become more environmentally aware and conserve water. The change starts with you and your practices at home. Below, we listed some of the biggest water wasters at home and what you can do to minimise their impact.

1. Shower and bathtub

There’s nothing better than a warm shower or a soak in the tub after a long, tiring day. However, showers and baths are two of the most prevalent water wasters at home. Practices like keeping the shower running while you’re soaping up or shampooing your hair, as well as filling a huge tub with water, use excessive amounts of water. Reduce this by:

  • Taking shorter showers. The less time you spend under the showerhead, the more water you save.
  • Limiting the number of baths you’re taking. Baths use up twice as much water as showering, so save it for special occasions.
  • Turning the shower off when you’re lathering up.

2. Toilet


A regular person uses the toilet five times a day. Since a regular toilet uses about 11 litres of water per flush, that amount multiplied by five, then again by the number of people in your home, you’ll see how much water is being wasted with every flush. Start reducing water waste your toilet incurs by:

  •  Buying a toilet that is more water-efficient, such as low-flush ones. These models use a quarter of the water typical toilets do, making them the better toilet choice.
  • Putting dye in the water storage tank to track leaks. If the colour of the dye appears in the bowl, even though you didn’t flush, it’s a sign that your toilet may have a leak, which is another source of water waste.

3. Kitchen sink

The sink is where most people develop habits that waste more water. While it doesn’t seem like much when you’re doing it, the water lost by leaving the faucet on while brushing your teeth or lathering your hands with soap builds up to dozens of litres every year. Undetected leaks also contribute to wasted water. Reduce the amount of water you waste from using the sink by:

  • Turning the tap off when brushing your teeth. Fill a glass with water instead and use it to rinse your mouth and your toothbrush.
  • Turning the tap off when you’re lathering your face, hands, or the dishes.
  • Installing a faucet aerator to reduce water flow.
  • Fixing faucet leaks and ensuring your tap doesn’t drip when not in use.

When you practice these water-saving techniques, not only will you conserve water for the benefit of the entire population, but you’re also lowering your water bills. These may be small changes to your habits, but when taken collectively, they make a huge impact.

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