empty office

How to Improve Work Productivity Through Office Design

According to research, office designs have an impact on your people’s productivity. When their environment is well-designed and employee-friendly, workers tend to be more efficient. Poor design, on the other hand, can be damaging.

Use this knowledge to your advantage whether you’re constructing a new space or renovating. Here are things to keep in mind when you’re planning your office design with a design-build contractor in Los Angeles.

Issues Faced with Office Design

Before heading to the solution, it’s important to understand the challenges first.

At first, you might think that bad design drags down productivity due to an uninspiring environment. This is true but, at the same time, there is more to it.

When it comes to planning your workspace, there are three challenges.

Accessibility to Natural Daylight

Various studies have shown that sunlight greatly impacts a person’s productivity. When an individual gets sufficient daylight, it boosts their moods and lessens anxiety, which translates to:

  • More productive work
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Higher organizational commitment

Natural light also improves the sleep cycle, allowing your workers to get the optimal rest they need to conquer the day.

Air Quality

Poor ventilation can decrease productivity according to a study in the US National Library of Medicine. This is because the pollutants in the air can lead to a multitude of problems, including:

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Transferring of illnesses
  • Eye, nose, or throat irritation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Aggravating asthma or other respiratory problems

On top of that, when a person is exposed to poor air quality for long periods of time, it can lead to permanent health effects that involve decreased lung function and the development of serious diseases.

Potential for Distraction

Getting work done in itself is already challenging. It’s even harder when there’s cognitive overload due to audio and visual stimuli. Even the smallest things can hinder an employee from completing a task.

There are so many stimulants in today’s workplace; it’s easy to see how employees get sidetracked, “Rosemary Haefner, chief HR officer of CareerBuilder,” stated.

A study revealed that common distractions include:

  • Cellphones
  • Co-workers passing by their cubicles
  • Noisy co-workers
  • Desk clutter

working office

What You Can Do About The Workplace

Incorporate Color Psychology

When you’re planning your office space, it’s important to note that designs provoke psychological responses. Specifically, colors have an impact on people’s moods and behavior. For example:

  • Red stimulates the body and mind as well as increases circulation.
  • Orange is often used to promote creativity.
  • Blue is used to calm people down and reduce anxiety and stress.
  • White can make people feel fresh and clean.

Introduce More Light

Ensure that your people get adequate natural light by having bigger windows and opening up the blinds. A bright environment also reduces the need for artificial lighting, which is incredibly beneficial to your company. The extra cash you save from electricity can be allocated for things or projects at work.

Install Glass Partitions

Many modern offices today use glass partitioning systems and for good reason. Glass partitions reduce noise in large office spaces without compromising the original design or making the room look smaller. It’s also a great way to:

  • Maximize sunlight
  • Promote an open workplace
  • Keep some privacy

It’s also important to note that glass partitions can either be fixed or portable. Some opt for the latter especially if they entertain a lot of clients. It’s more cost-efficient and practical to have an adjustable room as opposed to having multiple meeting rooms in different sizes.

Add Plants to Your Office

Having indoor greenery in your workplace has psychological and health benefits.


Modern workspaces have sealed air, meaning they can contain up to ten times more pollutants than the outside air. Some of these common pollutants are mold, formaldehyde, dust mites, carbon monoxide, and more.

Indoor greenery can improve air quality by removing these pollutants and stabilizing humidity levels. In fact, a study by the Agricultural University of Norway revealed that once plants were incorporated into the office, there was a 25% decrease in symptoms such as fatigue, concentration problems, and more.


Nature in the office makes employees more productive because of attention restoration theory. This theory suggests that when people look at nature or even just images of nature, the brain shifts into a different processing mode. In this state, people feel more relaxed and, therefore, are able to concentrate better.

Put People First

There is no one design plan that works for everyone, so make sure to consult with your people first before finalizing anything.

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